My friend, Emily, was in town this weekend (she had been backpacking through Southeast Asia for 4 months and Singapore was her last stop before heading back to the states) so, we made a trip to the Singapore Zoo which neither Ryan nor I had visited yet. It was awesome! It’s hard to describe the zoo in words so hopefully the pictures will do the job!

The otters.



The white tiger.

Yes, there is a polar bear in the rain forest. Don't worry he has his very own pool and air conditioned den to keep him cool.

Nyala-Southern African antelope. The male looks total different from the female. The male was being stubborn and wouldn't come out for a good picture. The males horns and large and spirally and they have a heavy, dark fringe.

Rhonny the Rhinoceros.

Pretty zebras.

Cheetahs. One of very few animals that are behind glass. The zoo visitors are protected from all animals with barriers but they have creatively used the landscaping to make it seem like they are right there! Very cool and unlike any zoo I have ever been to. A must see when you come to Singapore!

Feeding the giraffes. We hope to make it to the elephant feeding next time. It was cool to be so close to the animals!

The Lion Den. The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie so I loved this as well as the warthogs(Pumbaa) and meerkats (Timon) (didn't get good pictures of them though...)

Spider monkeys! These guys were really fun to watch. The monkeys are Ryan's favorite!

The elephant show!

Taking their bow.


If you look closely you can see the rainbow colored face of the Mandrill. The colors become more pronounced as the monkey becomes excited. Females have duller colors.

The giant tortoise. These guys weren't too exciting.

Cotton-top Tamarin. These guys were fun to watch.
I love the big turtle!! So cute :)