Well besides my family, friends and Ruger of course...I do believe I miss a dishwasher the most(on some days anyway). I guess I should have put it on the “must have” list for Ryan when he was apartment shopping. Or maybe this is just a lesson from all the years I complained about having to load and unload the dishwasher as a childhood chore...all along my mom was just saying, “It could be worse.” I think I’ll just load and unload the dishwasher as much as I can when I am home in August just to remember the “luxury”. I know, I sound so spoiled but seriously...it’s hard going from a dishwasher to hand washing dishes in a single tub sink ;)
And not to mention, this is what happens…

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles coming up from the drain in the floor (maybe I should use less of that ultra concentrated soap)
Happy Dish Washing!! :)
No more cooking for Jill! Ryan, take her to eat those yummy tacos in Clarke Quay! Miss y'all!