After dinner, I had settled on the couch to relax and unwind from a long week. I thought my night was over but little did I know, Miss Jillian had something else in mind. She was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes from dinner, an activity that I didn't think needed my direct supervision. All of a sudden, I hear a "yelp" followed by some expletives that will be left out of this story to protect the innocent. I ran into the kitchen to find Jill clutching her hand. Apparently, one of our kitchen knives didn't want a bath and decided to bite her on the finger. We got the cut cleaned up and decided that it probably needed a little bit more attention than neosporin and a band-aid, so off to the ER we went. A couple of stitches later she was good as new, although I'm not sure Jill would agree. We had a scare but I think she's ready for Round 2 with the dishes.